It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Monday, August 16, 2004


I've been reading some of the blogs on this site. I like to write so I found another user who lists the same interest. He likes to write? Write what? Every other word is vulgar. I don't understand it? Is it just a low intellect that causes some to stick with familiar terms? Can their minds not comprehend the possibility of multiple means of expression? Money has nothing to do with it, so don't give me that bull- the poor are all stupid. I disagree. That's a lame excuse. Whatever... :)

I do however, see a correlation between swearing and the slammer. Keep that motor runnin and you'll be seein bars! Tell me, do they blog in jail?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. However, and you might find this shocking: I do write all kinds of things. The site you reference is just an outlet for, well...garbage. It's a release when my readers (and others who post) get to growl, grunt, and swear. We all use fake names (big surprise) and instead of using our aggression in the 'real life' we're able to write a poorly-constructed, crude haiku instead.

It's like therapy, I guess.

But, believe it or not...not all of the haikus are angry, curse-filled, 'low-intellect' types of poems. Some are well-crafted, ever funny. There are over 400 of them in Discount Haiku...

Now for the real shocker. I've written two full-length children's novels that don't have anything even close to a 'damn' in them. They've been read to kids at school and are very well-received by both children and adults.

The morale? Don't judge a book (or a blogger) by it's, haikus. There's usually more than meets the eye.

12:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you don't like, keep the fuck off the other sites. I was just reading through some of your trash, and you sound like a whiney bitch trying to impress others by trying to show you have an intellectual outlook when you are dim-witted as hell. I think you need to pull your head out of the sand and think a little more openly. By the way, nice tits.

12:33 PM

Blogger Kathy said...

You don't know me. Thanks for the hurtful words. I only get stronger.

12:43 PM


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