It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Picture Says it All...

My's all my fault.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,

Lately you don't seem like yourself. Is everything ok?


7:15 AM

Blogger Kathy said...

sorry fellow bloggers...things are rough all around and it's harder to make that daily "be happy" choice.

I'm working on it. I'll try to lighten up my posts.


9:11 AM

Blogger Duf said...

I don't think you should lighten up your posts if you don't want to. I think you should keep it real - if you feel blue, write blue. If you don't, don't.

BUT, I think you should elaborate. In some ways I feel like you are chickening out - don't take that the wrong way. All I'm saying is that when you blog, you should strive to express yourself fully, even when it's difficult to do so.

It's your blog, and it's your level or sharing, and I - least of all - should not talk to anyone about a lack of sharing, but...

For some time now, you have been alluding to hard times, but not really saying why they are hard, or what's going on. I'd encourage you to either speak openly or not at all. To your readers, it come across as this desire to talk about it, but either inablity or unwillingness to talk about it. If it's the latter, then you shouldn't mention it at all. When you do, it's like a trailer for movie that's never coming out. It leaves you wanting more, but you're never going to get it. If it's the former, then you should try to mention it. Just a suggestion.

One quick example. We received a note from my daughter's school outlining some behavior issues. I was going to write about it but decided against it. I was even going to quote the letter verbatim, but chose against it. What I didn't do (and what I think you should avoid - again, not that I'm perfect) is post about how I was having a crummy day, and how things are really bad (but not what's bad or why I'm having a crummy day).

Make sense? Am I a jerk?

By the way, I REALLY loved the post about brownies. It was spontaneous and candid and real and awesome - you big potty mouth you.

11:29 AM

Blogger Brydon said...

Duf, I know you have some level of concern (and some level of just being noisy) but if she wants to talk about what is going on in her head, she will. As I stated last week, it is her damn blog and she will say what she wants to. If she wants you to know what is going on in her life to the fullest extent, she will tell you. If not, tough shit!!! Let it go...Her life and happiness is MUCH more important than you knowing about what is going on within said life.

1:33 PM

Blogger Duf said...

Brydon, kind sir, perhaps you are right! I was writing more as a fan of the blog and lost perspective a bit. I was so busy trying to get Kathy to write about her feelings that I was insensitive to them - not my intention. I was actually thinking that she might feel better if she let it all out (and yes, I wanted to read it too). But, in the final analysis, you are right, her happiness is much more important than my right to know (all along, I've known that in fact I have no such right). Had I any idea that my effort to know was at the expense of her happiness I wouldn't have typed even one character in the comments on the issue. And along those lines Kathy, if I've pushed too hard or made you feel upset or frustrated in any way, I sincerely apologize.

Oh, and watch your language, mister! ;-)

2:36 PM


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