It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Been wondering about me?

It's not like me to go a whole week without posting, is it?

Let's play catch up.

I went on a 4 day trip last week (pictures coming soon). To tell you all the places I flew into would have you quickly screaming..."I don't care, geez!"
Therefore I will just tell you the places I stayed the night. First night was Albuquerque, New Mexico. I wasn't there very long. The next night was San Diego, Ca. Not as nice as I expected and WAY overpriced, but I had a good time anyway. I spent 3 hours walking around the downtown and harbor. I ate dinner at "Anthony's" and bought a shirt for MB that says "Save our coastline."
The third night was the absolute worst overnight and I hope to NEVER go back!!

Where? Loser Los Angeles, that's where! Sorry to all you southern Ca. lovers out there...but I don't like you city. It's loud, stinky, rude, dangerous and the place is so saturated with people that I can't even carry on a 2 minute conversation without getting my call dropped. It's terrible! Plus that fact that the big fancy hotel I stayed in (with it's fancy smancy sleep number bed mattress) didn't have computers for crew members to use to get online and there wasn't a microwave in the room. I tell ya...I'm getting spoiled.

Right now I'm in Inyokern. It's in Death Valley, Ca.

Everyone told me it would be terrible here...but I love it! It's out in the desert. I'm looking forward to getting on the navel base tomorrow and checking out a very special museum that exits there.
Since I brought my laptop on this trip, I can even spend some time writing Annie. I do also plan on spending an hour or so out by the pool. They say it got up to 109 degrees here today. Oh boy!


Blogger Doug said...

Hi kathy-you sound fine, and I pray that all is well with you and your family. Desert living is a special kind of existence. I loved the weather when I lived in Las Vegas. And L.A. does stink somewhat, but must have some attraction, as so many live there.
I noticed that you have a Michele Branch CD on your side column-I just saw in the store that she has hooked up with another lady singer to form a group called, "The Wreckers". I don't know her music, but I thought I'd pass that along.
May God continue to Bless you and your family, kathy.

9:54 AM


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