16 flights in 2 days
OY! I'm tired.
Stories? Yep, I got some.
We almost didn't land in Monterey because the guys couldn't see the runway. Luckily they saw it at the last possible moment and we landed. When I opened the door, a customer service agent asked if he could greet my passengers over the PA. He then sang...
"Zipedee do da, Zipedee a, I want to Welcome you to Monterey!" I thought it was cute, especially coming from this very large black man.
It was almost midnight on Wednesday and I had just learned that my passenger in 1C was celebrating her birthday. She was in a chipper mood despite the outrageous price she had to pay for her last minute ticket...$1400.00!!! She was coming from South Dakota to visit and take care of her grown daughter who is very ill. This lady's name was Tracy, but I thought she looked like a Gina. When she told me she hadn't eaten anything since this morning, I offered her my crew meal. I had been saving it for when I had a chance to eat, but I decided that time was never going to come. We had been running an hour behind all day and was never able to make it up. I counted myself lucky just to be able to go to the bathroom on the 5th turn.
When we landed, I gave my final announcement...
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Arcata. The local time is Approx. 12:10am....blah blah blah... carry on bags, blah blah blah, for your safety...blah blah blah....it has been my pleasure having you onboard, especially one of my very special passengers who is celebrating her birthday today. Please join in with me and sing Happy Birthday."
Tracy got the biggest smile across her face. Sure, I felt like an idiot singing Happy Birthday over the intercom, but I'm guessing it made her day. I have visions that she probably told her sick daughter that everyone on the plane sang to her.
I'll be a fool if it can make a sick person smile. Fine by me.
Yesterday, I had a few interesting passengers. On my first flight into Modesto, 2 armed police officers boarded with a prisoner. I knew he was a prisoner because of the handcuffs he was wearing. Also there is paperwork...always paperwork! They sat in the back and were very quite. I noticed the prisoner watched me the whole time and it gave me the willies.
On my 4th flight I got a break. 2 flight attendants came onboard and offered to work my flight for me. Huh? I was confused. They said they were the President and Vice President of SIA (sort of like our union, but not). As long as I occupied the jumpseat for take off and landing, they could do everything else. Hey! Sounds good to me! Go for it!
This flight was a short one (no beverage) so I got to talk with them the whole time. It was great. I am trying to transfer to Sacramento and these two are based there. They had some interesting info to share with me. Plus I discovered that one of them (Ruth) is actually my neighbor! Yeah, she lives in the same community with me right around the corner from our house! What a small world! She said she is a runner, and that's when it clicked. I've seen her several times running on American River Trail and Pointed Rocks. Of course she's seen me too. Strange!
We discussed the cost of our dues going up and we talked about Thea. Dang, I wonder how many flight crews we have living in Auburn Lake Trails?
Anyway- when I let everyone off the plane, one male passenger from the back pointed to my new friends and said "watch out for these two...they've been crashing planes all day!"
Now my brain knew exactly what he meant. Like crashing parties. But it wasn't until much later that I got the significance of the comment. Crashing planes? That didn't sound very good. I laughed outloud just before falling asleep in my hotel bed.
Yeah, I know how you feel... I just got back from a 3 day trip. This being my first trip since ioe, I made some funny mistakes. Like on welcome to SFO at 6:00pm I said,
" is 3:00 pm, we will be taxing... wait, I'm sorry... 6:00PM"
Yeah, I made some funny ones. yay... I'm a dork too, though I haven't sang happybirthday to anyone yet. I'm sure I will.
8:27 AM
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