It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Time To Ask A Few Questions


Here we go...

Why do rear view mirrors say "objects in mirror are closer than they appear"?

Why do birds prefer a bird bath with rocks at the bottom of the bowl?

Why do some people refuse to believe they poses any talent to do anything remotely creative what so ever?

When you consider that coffee houses are popping up all over country as the #1 hit for breakfast...Why is an entire grocery store isle devoted to cereal when coffee only gets a corner?

Why is NASA having so many little things fall off the shuttle recently when there have been hundreds of space flights that have gone off without this happening before?

Why does a milkshake blender use a different kind of blade?

In older homes...Why were laundry rooms placed near the kitchen and not the bedrooms where the laundry actually goes?

Why are tempetures cooler underground when the Earth's core is so hot?

According to the theory of evolution, how long will it take before modern man's appendix is replaced with an organ that can neutralize excess sugar and fat created by fast food chains?

Just a few questions I have. I've been up since 6:30 (yes, that's early for me) washing my car and wondering...


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