It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Tough Day

1:00pm, Our instructor randomly starting writing down names on the board.

My name was last.


I was hoping to get it done and over with early, but this was not the case.

I stood in the hallway for an eternity, praying and waiting for my turn.

I couldn't seem to get an idea of how difficult it was by gauging the faces of my classmates who went before me. None of them looked very happy.

My heart was pounding and I wondered if my mouth would actually move if my brain told it to. Luckily it did, as if on auto-pilot, (no pun intended).

There were 7 parts to this test. If you failed any one part you would need to be re-tested on that part. Upon completion of the last section, you leave and come back later to counsel with the instructor. Only then will you be told what parts you passed or failed.

I heard my voice shaking and wondered how noticeable it was. I answered the initial questions (part one) correctly. As the oral testing went on, I began to get more confident. Perhaps to confident. I blew the 6th section of the test. I knew I did. I forgot to assess the exits before I opened the doors. Dang it! There goes that one.

I left the room feeling good overall, but grew increasing concerned as the clocked marched on. One by one, we were called into our individual conferences. As they came out, I learned the horrors of how strict and petty they were on grading. Man, they got us for EVERY LITTLE THING! But that's good, right? It means you have the best trained F/A's working in the skies.

My turn.

First test....passed. Second test....passed. Third test (the hardest one)...passed. Fourth test....passed. Fifth test....didn't have to take because I passed the fourth! Yippee. Sixth test....failed. seventh test...failed.

WHAT!!!!! I FAILED!!!!

Well, like I said....I knew I didn't get the 6th one. But the last one? No way....I nailed that one! For the first time I actually said all of the correct commands at the correct time while doing all the correct things. I've been messing it up in practice and finally got it right on the test. How did I fail that one?

I was stunned and didn't really pay attention to her evaluation of it. So after class I went back and asked her, "What exactly did I do wrong so I don't do it again?"

Ready....Nothing. I did it right, but it needs some "polishing."


I don't think anyone is going to care in a real water evacuation if my voice was a little shaky. I guarantee you, when actually faced with death...I'll be screaming those commands!

So, I'm not happy with it, but I'm not going to complain. I've already been practicing it more here at the hotel and tomorrow I'll re-test at 7am. I better get it right the second time around or I have to go home.

This was a tough day. Out of 11 classmates, only 3 people passed all 7 tests.


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