It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Friday, September 15, 2006

First Plane in Rain

We landed last night in Redmond, Oregon. Although it was dark outside, I noticed rain drops smeared across the window in 1C.

I know it seems a little strange to be getting so excited about rain, but it's my first time working as a flight attendant and having it rain outside. I like to see the seasons change. Rain is a clear indication. However, I wasn't expecting the extreme drop in temperature.

I opened the main cabin door and yelled, "Holy Crap! It's cold!"

As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized that it wasn't at all very appropriate or professional behavior. Opps.

Luckily, everyone who heard me just laughed.

Also lucky for me, I had just purchased a used uniform sweater that morning before I started my trip and had put it on back in SFO.
However, I didn't pack for cold weather. I have things like skirts and tanks in my crew bag. I hope it's still warm in the south. If not, Michael can bring me a sweater. I'm going to try and list him on my last flight tomorrow from Sacramento to SanFran. On Sunday he will fly down to Fresno to pick up my car and drive it home for me. That way, I can fly straight back to Sacramento after my fun trip to the south.

Now it is almost 8:30am and the free breakfast here will be closing at 9am. I'm absolutely starving as yesterday came and went without a real meal...just small snacks of crackers and a brownie.

After breakfast (and hour or so after) I hope to get outside and run. It's still cold...I see people all bundled up standing outside to smoke their cigs.

Have a great day friends!


Blogger Digiduke said...

Now if only this Plane in the Rain were somehow in Spain...

--JD (I got a new ID on here, and I may actually one day post something to it. Yay me!)

10:31 AM

Blogger Kathy said...

So post already! You're MY brother...I'm sure you'll find something to say!

11:36 PM

Blogger Lucia said...

In my experience airline employees almost always behave so professionally that a glimpse of the everyday human being beneath is most endearing. (Within reason :).)

9:04 AM


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