It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Stressed and feeling low

Here's a few reasons why I've been missing in action lately...Keep in mind that stress can happen weather the events are good or bad.

I've been working and had very short layovers.

Sleep deprived.

Stressed with lack of funds and bills getting out of control.

I lost my case in court and had to pay the traffic fine. ($206.00) Online traffic school to follow.

House is in escrow and scheduled to close Nov. 28th! I have to get my stuff out now! UHHHHHHH (moving is always my biggest stress.)

On top of all that I just feel low. Sad. weak.

However, God knows my woes. He knows my stress and doesn't want that for me. He gave me a book to read on the plane. I found it in row 2 seat C.

It's called "23 minutes in Hell". It certainly makes my problems appear as they are...small. I do believe that Hell is a real place. If you get a chance, check out this book. It's an eye opener. I am so thankful that I will not be going there. On Earth there is hope, no matter what your situation.
Hell is eternal torment, pain, hopelessness, depair and great fear. There is no "Hell on Earth". Just as our brains can not comprehend the peace and love of Heaven, so can we not fathem the horrors of Hell.

But you say..."God will not send me there. I am a good person. I've never raped or murdered little children. They are the ones who deserve Hell."

Have you ever lied? Even a little bit? Have you ever taken anything that wasn't entirely yours? Not even a quarter you found on the ground? Have you ever looked at someone with lust? Have you ever yelled out, God damn it?

Like it or not, you are a sinner; a lying, blasfomous, thieving, adultress (I know my spelling is terrible). You deserve Hell. God does NOT want you to go there. He died for you. He took your punishment and gave you the right to choose. Please don't choose Hell!!! Come be with me in Heaven.

But you say, "It's not fair that God would send good, decent people to Hell." Guess what? He doesn't. You choose with your pride and opinion. Let me ask you, did you open enroll for your work benefits last month or did you do nothing and let it roll over? You can't do that with God. You can't sit on the fence. If you do nothing, you go to Hell.

But still you insist, "It's just not right!" Who are you to determine what is fair and what isn't? Are you willing to bet your eternity on your opinion? I'm not!

Listen, Hell is a real place. The Bible says so over and over. It's very clear. The devil gets the ties and that's just the way it is.
Warnings is our lives are good. They tell you danger is coming. Please take this as a warning. Avoid Hell.

You don't have to be perfect. Have faith and believe in Jesus Christ. Call upon Him in times of trouble. Don't wait! It is the most important thing you will ever do. Why do we buy coffins and plots of land to house our rotting bodies when we die, but do not consider our soul?

Okay- I'm off my soap box now. For some reason, I needed to say that. My next post will resume with October 25th in Portugal.


Blogger Ron said...

I've been really thinking about some lyrics as of late. Its hard to swallow, but needed in my life nonetheless.


It's not the cold making my legs shake,
It's Timmy's ghost taking his place in our hearts forever.

It's not the sound keeping me from sleep,
It's what Jesus said about hell underneath.
I think I'd rather believe it's some imaginary place,
Made up to make children behave,
So our souls are safe to wander off,
Wherever they might please.
Your soul is safe wherever you might be.

Come now, sleep.
Come, now sleep.

Tell me I'm only dreaming.
Tell me he's just sleeping.
And when morning comes,
We'll both wake up to see the sun,
And love that's enough to keep our friends alive.

Phone call.
I pull my car to the side of the road.
No, it's not the cold making my legs shake,
It's someone I love being taken away.
A ghost taking his place in our hearts.

Where inside he moves from room to room.
But sometimes he climbs our spines,
To remind our grieving heads,
That in this way he hasn't left.

Tell me I'm only dreaming.
Tell me he's just sleeping.
And when morning comes,
We'll both wake up to see the sun,
And love that's enough to keep our friends alive.

Then take me back to where I was, before I was born.
It's like sweet and dreamlessly, it sounds like heaven to me.

10:09 PM

Blogger Lucia said...

I wish I could believe, Kathy, but I can't (not won't, can't: it's like asking me to believe the sky is green and the grass is blue). I have tried, and it didn't work.

I don't believe in heaven or hell either. I do believe we were put here to learn and to catch each other when we fall (Mt. 25:31-46). You might well ask me, who put us here, then, if not God? I don't know, I just know that (most) people seem hard-wired to do those things, so I conclude that that's what we're here for -- whether this is simply a survival mechanism built in by eons of evolution or God's plan.

Anyhow... I'm sorry you're feeling down, and I'm sending good thoughts your way. (I believe in those too. What can I tell you?)

10:34 AM

Blogger Ron said...


I've been in the same shoes as you. Its hard to imagine a "loving" God that would send people to a hell. But it is even more hard to imagine a "just" God who would not send an Adolf Hitler to a Hell.

Nevertheless, if I am to believe the Cannonical (66 book) bible,( which for many logical reasons do) then I am forced to believe the existense of both Heaven and Hell. Jesus, perhaps the most loving man of all history speaks more of hell and heaven and anyone else in the cannonical bible.

Food for thought.

PS. Kathy, It looks like Michelle and I are going to have a girl!

12:09 PM

Blogger just ducky said...

Hey Kat---Can you send either Jeff or I your address? We can't find it...Thanks! Conni

10:14 AM

Blogger Lucia said...

Thanks, Ron -- thing is, I don't believe in the Bible, and I'm not sure I believe in God (and to the extent I do, I'm fairly convinced that She/He/They doesn't much resemble the biblical God). By not believing in the Bible I don't, of course, mean I don't think it exists, nor do I mean that nothing in it is true or good, because obviously many things are; I do mean I don't think it's the word of God.

A just God would probably send Hitler to Hell, yes -- but how about an unbaptized child, or someone who'd never heard of Jesus, or someone like me who'd tried to believe and couldn't? (Were I inclined to believe in the whole ball of wax in the first place I actually might buy the C.S. Lewis idea, not unique or original with him but his writings are where I saw it first, that everyone gets to choose where they will go, the catch being that you have to give some things up to choose Heaven.)

I'm intrigued, though -- what are your logical reasons for believing? I don't count "the Bible says you should," which strikes me as rather circular.

Btw congrats on your growing family!

(If you'd like to continue this by email, please feel free -- you can find my addi on my Blogger profile.)

5:02 PM


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