It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Monday, September 22, 2008


No, it's not what you think. :)

My computer crashed 3 weeks ago and I haven't had the chance (or the money) to get it fixed.
I am currently using the computer behind the counter at the hotel in Chico, Ca.

I've done this same trip for the third week in a row. Not a bad trip, pays well, but the overnights are short...barely enough time to sleep.

Anyway, I've been spending every last second I can with the girls on my days off. Kaytee is enrolled in a charter school which offers independent study. She meets with her teacher every other week. It seems like it will be a good fit for her...however, I hope it will be temporary. I want to get her back at Capital next semester, but I won't push it if her grades are up and emotions are stable. Why rock the boat?

Anyway- sorry for the long pause.

Real quick, cause I'm tired...want a few tidbits? Okay...

Today I embarrassed myself again. Not to bad this time...I do it a lot.

During the boarding process in Coo's Bay, Oregon, I tried to stay as far away from the door as our tiny plane would allow due to the fridged misty, wet weather outside. While closing the door, I managed to dodge several large plops of dirty water that rained from the swinging steps of the door. This meant that I had to crowd the lady seated in 1B. Just after starting my announcement, I was hit!
Instinctively, I reacted with a sound that immediately got everyone's attention. It went something like this...

And once again welcome on board flight #5763 with service to San Francisco. In command of your aircraft today is Captain UHHHH!!!!!

I picked it up quickly as everyone had thier giggle. Once I was done I laughed at myself too.

Well, ya gotta laugh. That's all you can do sometimes.

BTW- I had a line check yesterday. Her exact words were, "I can't find anything wrong with you."
I hope I can hear those same words from my doctor when I'm 80. :)

Take care friends. I'll update this when I can.


Blogger Lucia said...

Kathy, I am so glad you're OK!

Does independent study mean she's on her own at home in between meetings with her teacher? That would not have been a good fit for me: I need clear goals, peer pressure and deadlines to keep me motivated. But if she can do it, more power to her. It'll serve her well later in life, too.

5:16 AM

Blogger Kathy said...

hi! yeah, Kaytee is basically on her own as far as getting her work done and motivating herself. But it's been good. In fact, I've been loving it! I get to spend more time with her and we found out that we love playing tennis together. We can both tease and make fun of each other without any awakward tension.
I'm not sending her back to Captial next sememster. I think I need to write another post on that. Also on the fact that I voted NO on prop 8. Surprised? It came down to the fact that I love our country and freedom. Even though I don't agree with gay marriage, it IS descrimination...and that's never right.

6:42 PM

Blogger Lucia said...

As you probably figured out from my earlier comment, yes, I am surprised... since we met on a blog called Christian Conservative, I leapt to the conclusion that you were, well, a Christian conservative, especially on the so-called "values voter" issues. (For quite some time I've been meditating a post called Values Voter, about my objection to that term as implying that I either don't have values or don't vote them. But I digress.) But I shouldn't be surprised (and I should sweep the stereotypes out of my mind more often), because you've always impressed me as a remarkably empathetic human being. Remember Hurricane Katrina? I was struck by your immediate reaction.

I wish you would write more about your take on Prop 8, if you care to. (Email me if you like.) There's the sacred perspective and the secular one, and I'd be interested to know how you separate the two.

5:18 PM


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