It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

My First Fender Bender

Are you like me?
Do you usually play your music so loud just so you can feel like your the singer?
Do you hit the power button off when you have a lot on your mind?
Do you have full conversations with yourself in the silence only to realize you've said the same thing 3 times?

I do...and yesterday I had a lot to say to myself.
Specifically some nice choice words that I don't like to say, but hey, there's nobody around to hear them except me. They're in my head anyway. Why not yell them in the car?
Thanks to cells phones, it doesn't look strange at all anymore to see someone in their car talking to nobody. We just think...they must be on a speaker phone or a headset. Except she's yelling, what a jerk!

How about these words for starters...
Stupid Idiot
Dumb Sh*t

I hate shopping. I don't think I'll ever do it again.

I'm such a liar. A very bad liar.

Okay- here's the thing...Yesterday

My day had already been a storm of highs and lows when I hit a car. No, not a car...a Lincoln Navigator! Damn- how did I not see that?!?! It's way bigger than my little trooper.

I hit her? Or did she hit me? That will be the question.
We were both backing out of our parking spots. My drivers side rear bumper hit her passenger side rear bumper. She gets out, brushes her hand across the damage and says "Jesus Christ!"
I think...GREAT!
"It's okay, you don't have to say that." I said, putting my hand on her shoulder.
It's just a stratch anyway. It's not like I tore the thing apart.
I think her vehicle was new.
Luckily that was as mad as she got. She never said it was my fault or hers. Neither of us knew exactly what to do, so we did what good wives do...we called our husbands. I knew mine would not be available. He's in Gems training.
So I called my insurance.
They told me to call the police.
The police told me to exchange information. (I knew that.)
5 minutes later we were both saying "Thank you and sorry".
Why do we say thank you? yeah, thank you for hitting my car and complicating my life! No...more like "sorry I made your day suck and thank you for not being a jerk."


Blogger Duf said...

Sorry you crashed your car. I crashed 4 years ago, and it ended up being okay. I hope yours ends up okay too.

2:30 PM


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