It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Let the Pain and the Sorrow be washed away.

All who are thirsty
All who are weak
Just come to the fountain
Dip your heart in the stream of life
Let the pain and the sorrow be washed away
In the waves of his mercy
As the deep cries out to deep.

Where do you go when you soul cries? Do you go to a friend for help?

I do.

The Lord is my best friend. I don't have to wonder if He will judge me...He will. I don't have to worry if He understands me...He does.

Sure I have other friends I talk to, but God is the only one who can pick up on every last conversation as if it just happened. He follows every thread without missing anything. The best part is that no matter what I've matter what I've done...I am still loved and worth dying on a cross for.

All you skeptics out there who think I'm just talking to the wind, explain to me how it is that when I trust and pray, that my load gets lighter? When the pain matches and all I have left to do is surrender it...tell me where it goes?

We each climb our mountains. The rocks are sharp. They make us stumble and bleed. Who is strong enough to sway the boulder just enough out of our path so we are not crushed?

No pain is wasted. From each tear comes strength. My pain is not over. It will only be finished when I return home and all the hurts I could not understand will make sense.

I just got done running 10 miles. I've been sick with a cold, but the road called me. For nearly 2 hours, I was free.

Me and God.

Come Lord Jesus, come.
I am only free when you come.


Blogger Duf said...

Kathy, I have written about this on my blog before. I understand talking to God (as prayer), but I don't understand conversations with God. Your post implies that God picks up where you left off and always knows where things stand.

And I sincerely (deeply and truly) wonder if you mean that literally. Does God respond (not necessarily with words, but maybe with feelings, etc.) or am I taking you literally when I shouldn't.

When I am at church, I am inspired by time with community in worship, by thoughtful words, by song and by silent time for meditation, and it genuinely makes me feel better - that's my relationship with God such as it is. But I don't have a relationship with God like you do (or like I think you do), and that makes me curious. It makes me want to understand.


1:24 PM

Blogger Kathy said...

duf- well, I don't make a distinction between praying and talking with God. To me, talking with God is the same thing as praying. He already knows the details of my life and how I feel about them. I'm mostly asking questions. The bible says that if it concerns me, it concerns Him, so we can freely discuss anything, but instead of going to God right away, I have a tendancy to first try and make my pain match. I think everyone does this. Except some go to food, alcohol, shopping, gambling, etc...
I get to a point where I've let all my pain build up. Then I gather it all to a heavy breaking point and finally ask God to take it.
A comfortable warm peace floods me and I know God is saying..."It's about time Kathy!"
You can take it literal, but not in words. He doesn't usually talk that way. His spirit talks to mine...He always answers me, but often in ways that I don't expect or sometimes notice.

2:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:37 PM

Blogger Duf said...

Thanks, very helpful. Based on your response, it seems to me that an openness is required. One has to be open to speaking to God and to hearing a reply. Sometimes, when I read others, I feel like it's always so obvious, that only a satanist wouldn't hear it.

12:19 PM

Blogger Kathy said...

Becky- don't fret...I deleted your comment because you had your email address on there. I wrote it down and will be contacting you soon. Thanks for the hug.

1:29 PM

Blogger Kathy said...

Duf- here's the difficult part...sometimes it aint what you want to hear, so you pretend you didn't hear it.
*stick fingers in ears* lalalalalala......

1:32 PM


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