It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Jobs & Dreams Article

Well it's out. This is my latest article that was recently published in our SIA Flyer. Enjoy.

Jobs & Dreams

How many times have you been asked, Why did you want to become a flight attendant? I’ve probably been asked that about a hundred times and each time I have the same reaction, but never the same answer. I give a heavy sigh and roll my eyes up toward the sky as if the answer will somehow magically appear on the ceiling.

Why is that such a daunting question? Perhaps it’s because I have more than one answer and I need that awkward moment to decide which one to say. Or perhaps the question itself is to blame. Whoever asks it runs the risk of getting a Sunday school answer. I’m a people person! Or my personal favorite, It’s always been my dream!

Has it always been “your dream”? Were you one of those kids who LOVED flying and wondered what the view looked like from up front? I wasn’t. In fact, I never even stepped foot on an airplane until I was 22 years old and I hated it! It scared me to death. Therefore one of my many answers to that cliché question is to get over a fear of flying. It worked. I’m no longer afraid to fly.

Might I suggest a different question…How about, Are you happy being a flight attendant?
Happiness is a tricky thing. If you’re like me, it can be a difficult thing to hold onto. My answer would still be a strong YES, without hesitation or the awkward silence that follows it. Why? Because I choose it, that’s why. I firmly believe that happiness is a choice you make daily. Even when you feel stuck in a situation with no foreseeable solution, there always is one…somewhere.

One day I was sitting in the SFO crew lounge on a break hogging the computer for no good reason at all when another FA angrily stomped in and started voicing his frustration with a recent group of passengers.
Now, I understand how bad it can get out there. Sometimes you are just so tired and some dummy is walking all over your last nerve. Instead of asking him…What can I get you to drink? You’d rather throw a water bottle down the isle and yell out GO LONG!

As much as I wanted to agree and add my own horror stories to the conversation, I refrained and decided to listen. After he vented I simply said, I’m sorry your having such a bad day. At least you can start fresh with a new crowd. Try to forget about those jerks and just have a good time. He smiled. I don’t know if what I said helped or hindered, but at least I felt better about holding back my own temptation to people bash.

We don’t have to focus on the negative parts of life. There are jobs and there are dreams. If you make the choice they can be one in the same. Your imagination is your only limit. What else are you? A lawyer? A dentist? A writer? A singer? An actress? A FAM? Yes, a FAM! You can do anything. The only thing you can’t do is everything.

We rob ourselves of dreams and joy everyday. I am guilty of it too. At one time you wanted to be a flight attendant. If that happiness is missing, get it back! It’s sitting right there where you left it.
I am encouraged greatly by all the people I meet on the plane. They have lifted my spirits on more than one occasion. I am grateful for the funny, polite and inspiring ones.
Anyone can blur the line that separates what comes between a job and a dream. Some of my favorite things to say are:

Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
Be every color that you are.
Life is a wrinkled mess, be the iron.
Hope has wings.
And my favorite,
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well with my soul.

Happiness is a choice. It takes daily determination. It requires confidence. Confidence breeds dedication. Dedication empowers a safe work environment. Getting folks from point A to point B safely and comfortably is our job and my dream.


Blogger Ron said...

Well done.

I've read it 6 times now.

7:43 PM


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