It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Frozen in Calgary, eh?

I have never been in weather this cold! -17? Is that what she said?? It took my breath away and made me cough. But it was kinda fun in a strange holiday sort of way.

Oh Canada! I stopped for a moment to kiss the moose.


Blogger Digiduke said...

Wait, haven't you been here in winter before?

Or to say it in Minnesotan:

"Cripes, I coulda sworn I seen you takin two or tree laps on da ice dhere. Holy buckets it was cold dat day! Uff da, I could go for some hot dish right now just thinkin about it. You betcha!"

11:26 AM

Blogger Lucia said...

In Canada they count in Celsius, so -17 isn't as cold there as it is here, but still plenty cold enough.

Btw they do have Thanksgiving in Canada, but in October, since by now they're long past harvest time and into winter. As you noticed.

4:35 PM

Blogger Kathy said...

oy! I'm metrically challenged.

Funny bro! Careful- I think you got that down too well. Just sayin...

6:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a lifelong Minnesotan, I can testify that we don't all talk, or even sound that way.

It's a horrible stereotype.

I'm wondering how far up north your bro lives, Kathy? You get up into Brainerd and they sound that way, but here in Minnecrapolis, we don't say 'uff da' at all.

Pretty much never.

7:13 AM

Blogger Digiduke said...

dj - I'm even further south then you but I definately hear the occasional "uff da" now and then. To be fair I guess I only really hear it from the older set or young people trying their hand at irony. But moving here from California (and pre-Fargo even) there is certainly a regional dialect going on, although I'm sure we outsiders exagerate it a bit.

11:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's cool, brother.

I lived in LA for a while and when I saw Fargo I was overwhelmed by how much they exaggerated the accent. But, visiting home when I was living in CA, I was like: 'Dang, they might be right.'

I pride myself on never saying 'you betcha' though. Man, that makes my skin crawl.

10:05 PM


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