It's not what you see, but how you see it.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

First Class First on Christmas Eve

I knew this day was coming!

I'm being sent on my first 700 aircraft tomorrow. It will be the United Express Explus. 66 seats, with 2 FA's. I will be the Forward FA in charge of the first class cabin and all announcements. I'm trained for it, but I've never done it. I don't remember much and I'm scared to death!! I've never even sat in first class before! would be a good time to comment! Help!

Okay- so I'm actually excited. I like doing new things. My report is at 5:05 tomorrow morning. I've got so much to do today, but since my stress level is through the roof, I'm leaving in a minute to go for a run. I really need to calm down. The next 6 days are going to involve every emotion I have. I was hoping they wouldn't work me for Christmas. Pipe dream! Just remember Kathy...Christmas isn't a's a gift.

As most of you know, Denver has been a nightmare. Guess where I'm going? Yep, Denver.
Also, LAX and ASE (Aspen, Co.) My overnight is Denver. Chirstmas Day will find me back in Sac sitting ready reserve for 5 hours. Then I start another trip on the 26th.

Oh boy.
I'm nervous, but I know I'll do fine. I'm trusting God and confident in myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You will do fine. I am a religious person (not as devout as you), but God can't give me things. If so, then I would be living like Donald Trump. Oh, how I pray for that! I ask for innner theme. It's a happy medium. God and me. We be mates! So I say to you, Kathy, as you get ready to do your first 700: GO FOR IT! BE YOURSELF. SHOW THE WORLD HOW IT IS DONE AND LEAVE NO DOUBT. YOU WILL DO JUST FINE. You may not get much sleep tonight. The run may help release the endorphins. A good soaking in a nice tub might do the trick, too.

Ron, come back! Your friend needs you. This is "inner theme" time.

Being a former baseball player, you are in the minor leagues. You are in "Single A" Each "game" is a learning experience. Confidence grows. With confidence, a rise in the ranks. AA...AAA...the show...the Major Leagues. Swing with all you got, hustle, be a team player. 747s are next. Beware of mistakes. It's a given. We all make them, yet we learn frm them.

Better yet...Director of Personnel?


3:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK kid, its time for some tips.

So, you're flying FA on the CRJ6, Right on! (that's my favorite position and I'm flying it all next month on 4 day-ers).

So, I think it is actually the easiest position. Yes, you'll have to serve first class, but its easy. And besides the likely hood of you actually having 6 in first is only high to and from DEN.

So just remember to look in the service part of the manual to see if the flight you're on is an Explus flight (by that I mean if you give them the star treatment with refresher towels and explus snack).

The only announcement you have to say is the Pre-Taxi (EASY). And as soon as you get the last passenger offer first class water or orange juice. I usually prepare the water and orange juice as the passengers are coming on.

You do all the demos. There is a bit of dance to it. Passenger saftey card front, walk to 3 passenger saftery card. 4 exits, walk to row 1, 4 exits. Floor illuminations walk to row four floor illuminations... You get the pic, its just back and forth. The only prop you need to place is the oxygen demo at the overhead of row 3, and seat belt at the galley.

So after take-off grab a pin and paper and ask first class if there's a drink they'd like. Give it to them. Then (time permitting) Refresher towel, explus snack, and drink refill. Your AFT (if she's a good one) will help you out with the explus boxed and she'll get the cart ready for the main cabin service.

Once you're near the middle-end of your main cabin service, be sure to check up on your first class. Once your done with everything I usually go to each on of first class and ask them where they are connecting to so you can give them the Gate info, if you have it.

It's actually really simple, you're just pampering the first class. And letting the AFT take care of the rest.

The only hard part is now you have to record comped first class drinks in the mix of selling the other drinks, so if you forget anything, make sure its not your liquor paper work.

Any more questions?

6:40 PM

Blogger Lucia said...

I'm sure you'll do great! I wish you nice people and a smooth flight.

I don't know if I should wish you a merry Christmas, but I sure hope your next year will be better, and I'll be thinking of you as always.

8:49 PM


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